Need to replace your Azure Media Services?
Switching is Simple
Ravnur’s advanced media CMS includes Ravnur’s own Azure-native encoding, VOD and live streaming services.
Making a move from AMS is as simple as flipping a switch.

Trusted by our commercial and government partners for over 10 years
Trusted by our commercial and government partners for over 10 years

You'll never know Azure Media Services is gone
Ravnur’s rich media management features meet or exceed existing AMS functionality
Content aware encoding
Configurable encoding profiles for video and audio
Scalable to thousands of concurrent jobs
Dynamic packaging for HLS and MPEG-DASH delivery
Stream AMS assets with DRM or AES-128 encryption
Azure CDN and multi-CDN integration
Unlimited live channels with branding
VOD2Live for 24/7 loops or scheduled streams
Live captioning and post production editing
HTML5 video and audio player
Customizable skins and controls
Integrated C2PA manifest decryption and validation
Frequently Asked Questions
what ams services are going away?
How much time do I have to act?
This is an accelerated retirement, so you have until June 30, 2024 before the lights go out. There will be no grace period.
can i keep my services in azure?
How can i get ravnur media services?
do i need to re-encode my videos?
No, there’s no need to re-encode your videos. You’ve spent too much on that already! They will stream fine with Ravnur.
What about my existing streaming urls?
If you use a CDN, then you’ll need to update the origin from AMS to Ravnur. If you stream from AMS, you’ll need to change the domain.
what about content protection?
I need digital rights management (DRM)
Through tight integration with our partner EZDRM, you can continue to package and stream your videos with FairPlay, PlayReady and Widevine DRM.